Top 10 nutrition tips
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Weight Management and Nutrition

I have seen so many people slave away in the gym day after day but yet they seem unable to reduce their weight or shift the fat from those places where they don't want fat! Why is that?

The reality about weight management...

The reality is that for all the calories they have burnt in the gym, the same number of calories (or more) are consumed through their diet, which means they will not reduce their body fat and it may even increase. So, the clear message is that the key to success in weight management is to start at home by looking at what you eat and drink on a daily basis and then making the changes you want and need.

Don't mention the D word!

You will have noticed that I have not used the word 'diet' and I will never mention it again apart from in the next sentence. That is because 'diet' suggests a form of deprivation or a dramatic reduction in the amounts we eat, which usually doesn't work and instead produces yo-yo weight loss and then gain. In fact the key to sustained body fat reduction and maintaining our weight, is to eat the food that will give you high quality nutrients that keep you fuller for longer and satisfied, so that you are less tempted to eat sugary or junk foods which contain very few nutrients. High quality nutrient intake, together with the timings of when we eat and the combinations of what we eat, work to change our bodies' energy levels, boost our metabolism and set us on the road to regular fat burning!

Nutrition is a wide and complex subject, but let me guide you through the maze and set you on the path to a healthier and fitter way of life. And if you are still unsure of the value of this, it is now recognised by health and fitness professionals that weight management is about 80% nutrition and 20% exercise. Food for thought!!

Take the next step and call me on 07711162364 or email neil@neilforsyth.co.uk. Alternatively submit the online form on the left. All enquiries and discussions are completely confidential and I will not share any information with any third parties without your written consent.